Package Opening
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The information and articles posted on these channels are for information purposes only, do not constitute an offer and are in no way a substitute for the qualified advice required prior to any purchase decision, especially in relation to the risks associated with it. Any courses, values and performances reported are purely indicative. Therefore, it is the duty of the individual investor to consult his/her financial advisor.

Through these channels, you will never be asked to disclose any personal information, for instance your password, account number, username or PIN. Any activity arising from users copying, sharing or commenting on BPS (SUISSE) social media posts is not directly controlled, approved or monitored by the Bank. BPS (SUISSE) reserves the right to remove any comments or content which it deems offensive or inappropriate, and to block those who create the content if these activities are conducted repeatedly.

By reacting to BPS (SUISSE) social media profiles, you agree to your contribution being used for statistical and marketing purposes.

Requests submitted through social media will not be processed. For any clarification regarding products or services, please contact the Call Center or your advisor.

Any questions about our products and services?

You can contact our call centre between 8 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Monday to Friday on 00800 800 767 76 (calls from Switzerland are free).

Alternatively, you can use our contact request forms.

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